Trademark Search
It’s always a good idea to carry out research and ensure your brand identity is unique before applying for a trademark. We’ll do the trademark search for you. Get in touch!
Invest In Trademark Search. Set Yourself Up For Success!
When you select a name or logo for your business, you think about what will make it stand out and represent your brand identity.
Of course, you don’t want it to be distinctive and not like any other rival competitors.
Likewise, before applying for a trademark for your business name, symbol, or logo, you need to ensure it is completely unique.
This is where Harbour Trade Marks assists you with comprehensive trademark search!
Quick & Efficient Trademark Research
If you try trademark research on your own, you will need to spare considerable time and resources. While you may be aware of the importance of conducting a trademark search, you may not be fully aware of the complexities of how these searches should be conducted or the critical times when they are required.
At Harbour Trade Marks, we save you time and effort with our extremely quick and all-round comprehensive search.
We also include the public domain to look for any brand using an unregistered trademark similar to yours!
Avoid Application Opposition
If midway during your trademark application, a brand raises the opposition against your business name, it can not only delay your launch but can also cause quite a few problems – especially if you have started to use the name already.
Proceeding with your brand name after the research gives you an idea of how likely your application is to be registered, saving you from quite a bit of hassle and costly expenditure.
A minor investment in research will ensure your application goes through without any hiccups!
Suggesting Adjustments
What to do now that you’ve discovered a brand already uses a similar logo, symbol, and or name.
Well, unless the brand’s identity is exactly the same or deceptively similar, you won’t have to completely overhaul your name or logo.
Through our research, we will suggest the best ways you can tweak them – whether by changing the text or slightly altering the design, etc.
This way, you won’t have to start over and repeat the whole creative process!

Affordable Options, High-Quality Research
Many businesses forgo trademark search until after it’s too late.
At Harbour Trade Marks, we don’t want your business to arrive at that stage.
That's why we offer affordable prices, ensuring the costs don't prove a hindrance in making the right decisions for your company.
Simultaneously, we make no compromise in the quality of our search, digging deep to highlight and resolve potential issues and conflicts.